SharePoint Dragons

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Category Archives: SharePoint

Building a jQuery Autocomplete textbox using the SharePoint REST API

So the first problem we had was to come up with a title that about sums up all the technologies and tools we’ll be using in this blog post, mainly being jQuery, jQuery UI, the SharePoint REST API and Fiddler, and make it sound spiffy as well. After abandoning that idea, we just used this title instead.

In this blog post we’re creating an autocomplete textbox that provides hints stored in a SharePoint list. The SharePoint RESTful interface is an ideal candidate to aid in this quest because jQuery makes it really easy to issue REST requests and also handles the JSON responses that the SharePoint REST API can provide really well. If you need to read up on REST we can totally recommend, an article written by two very talented authors.

Because the jQuery Autocomplete widget works well with JavaScript objects containing a label and value property (or in fact, the name of the first property, label, doesn’t seem to matter, but the casing of the value property is important) we’ve decided to create a custom SharePoint list containing a Title, label and value column. We’ve called our list MyList. If you do the same you’ll be able to follow the rest of the example. Also, make sure to fill the list with some test data such as: aaa, aarde, and aardvarken.

The Autocomplete widget will show information while the user types, so we need a way to filter a specific column based on a search term. REST makes this pretty easy, although you have to be really careful when it comes to casing. For instance, if we want a list of all list items that have a value that starts with a in the Value column, all we need to do is issue the following REST request:


By default, the response is XML. For our purposes, we’re more interested in JSON. If you want to work with REST and JSON it’s absolutely essential to install a tool on your dev environment that’s able to capture HTTP traffic. Here, we’ll use Fiddler (

Once you start it up, it starts capturing HTTP traffic immediately (toggle between stopping and starting capturing traffic by pressing F12). Now do the following:

  • Issue the REST request: http://moon/_vti_bin/listdata.svc/MyList?$filter=startswith(Value,’a’) . Of course, you may have to change names. If you didn’t think of that yourself, don’t worry, you’ll never be able to complete the entire blog post Winking smile!
  • Press F12.
  • Locate the request in Fiddler. Right-click it and choose Unlock for Editing.
  • Press the Headers tab.
  • Find the Client section and notice that it says: Accept: */*.
  • Right-click the Accept line and choose Edit Header…. Change the value to application/json. This forces the response to be in JSON format.
  • image

  • Press F12 again so that Fiddler starts capturing web traffic again.
  • Right-click the modified request > Replay > Reissue Requests.
  • Locate the new request and inspect the body of the response by clicking JSON:

This will teach you important stuff about the structure of the JSON response, which comes in handy once you need to process the information (and if you want to understand the jQuery code that’s coming up). If you remember that the autocomplete widget expects a collection of objects containing label and value properties, the following code should be understandable:

<script type=”text/javascript” src=”jquery-1.7.js”></script>
<script type=”text/javascript” src=”jquery-ui-1.8.custom.min.js”></script>
$(document).ready(function () {
  source: function (request, response) {
  var term = request.term;
  var restUrl = “http://moon/_vti_bin/listdata.svc/MyList?$filter=startswith(Value, ‘” + term + “‘)”;

  $.getJSON(restUrl, function (data) {
  var items = [];
  $.each(data.d.results, function (key, val) {                         
    var item = {
      label: val.Label,
      value: val.Value






jQuery test page

<input type=”text” id=”autobox” />

This clearly demonstrates the power of jQuery as it accomplishes quite a lot in so little code. The end result is pretty:

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MetaVis Migrator

That’s interesting, a SharePoint migration tool with support for Office 365:

Building a Silverlight chart web part for SharePoint 2010

In this blog post we’re discussing how to create a chart using Silverlight in SharePoint 2010. First of all, read and download the Silverlight SharePoint web parts.

Now, you’re ready to do the following:

  1. Create an “Empty SharePoint Project” and deploy it as a sandboxed solution.

    Please note that this is an excellent opportunity to point out that you should always deploy as a sandboxed solution, unless necessary. This is a best practice. The main reason we consider it to be an excellent opportunity to drive home this point is that we’ve noticed that this advice is ranking high in the charts of cliché SharePoint development tips, the first one of course being: don’t touch the content database. Let’s see if this tip can climb the charts even higher. Btw, don’t hesitate to send us other suggestions for the top 10 SharePoint dev cliché list.

  2. Add another project, this time of type “Silverlight application”.
  3. Choose to host the Silverlight application is a new Web site. We’ve actually found that this makes development and debugging a little bit easier and speedier.
  4. In Visual Studio, add a new tab in the toolbox and call it Silverlight Toolbox 4 or something.
  5. Right-click it and select Choose Items. The Choose Toolbox Items dialog window appears.
  6. Select the Silverlight Components tab.
  7. Click the Browse button.
  8. Navigate to the .dll containing all chart controls: System.Windows.Controls.DataVisualization.Toolkit.dll.  By default, it’s located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Silverlight\v4.0\Toolkit\Apr10\Bin.
  9. Click OK.
  10. Drag the Chart control to the design surface of MainPage.xaml.
  11. Press F7 and modify it’s contents so that it looks something like this:
  12. using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Net;
    using System.Windows;
    using System.Windows.Controls;
    using System.Windows.Documents;
    using System.Windows.Input;
    using System.Windows.Media;
    using System.Windows.Media.Animation;
    using System.Windows.Shapes;
    using System.Windows.Controls.DataVisualization.Charting;
    using System.Windows.Data;

    namespace Radar.Charts
    public partial class MainPage : UserControl
    public MainPage()

    List<DayDto> days = new List<DayDto>()
    new DayDto() { Day = “Mon”, NumberOfVisitors = 10 },
    new DayDto() { Day = “Tue”, NumberOfVisitors = 8 },
    new DayDto() { Day = “Wed”, NumberOfVisitors = 3 },
    new DayDto() { Day = “Thu”, NumberOfVisitors = 7 },
    new DayDto() { Day = “Fri”, NumberOfVisitors = 4 },
    new DayDto() { Day = “Sat”, NumberOfVisitors = 3 },
    new DayDto() { Day = “Sun”, NumberOfVisitors = 1 },

    chart1.Title = “My web stats chart”;
    chart1.LegendTitle = “Visitors”;

    var c1 = new ColumnSeries();
    c1.Name = “days”;
    c1.Title = “Visitors/Days of the Week”;
    c1.IsSelectionEnabled = true;
    c1.ItemsSource = days;
    c1.IndependentValueBinding = new Binding(“Day”);
    c1.DependentValueBinding = new Binding(“NumberOfVisitors”);



    public class DayDto
    public string Day { get; set; }
    public int NumberOfVisitors { get; set; }

  13. Press F5 and see if the Silverlight application test page looks ok.
  14. Locate your .xap file (i.e. SilverlightApplication1) in the debug folder of your Silverlight application.
  15. Upload the .xap file to a SharePoint document library (we’ve called ours “Silver”, catchy isn’t it?).
  16. Add the Silverlight Web Part (under the Media and Content category) and point it to the uploaded .xap file.
  17. Admire the results:


SharePoint Manager 2010

Using SharePoint Manager 2010 you can browse every site on a local farm and take a look at every property. It is an easy to use and handy tool.


You can download SharePoint Manager 2010 here:

SharePoint Log Investigation Tool: SPLIT

You can use the SharePoint Log Investigation Tool (SPLIT) to search SharePoint 2010 logs using a correlation ID. The SharePoint logging has been extended with a new correlation ID that is unique for each request or operation. It is easy using this  correlation ID to track down any unexpected errors because you can search for the correlation ID in the trace logs. This unique ID is also maintained between servers for instance when making a call to a service application. With SPLIT you can use this correlation ID to search logs using a Windows interface or a Web-based interface.

You can download SPLIT here:

Community Kit for SharePoint: Development Tools Edition: CKSDev

The Community Kit for SharePoint: Development Tools Edition (CKSDev) extends the Visual Studio 2010 SharePoint project system with advanced templates and tools. This is a really handy tool because using these extensions you will be able to find relevant information from your SharePoint environment in Visual Studio. Useful features are added to Visual Studio to provide help while developing  or deploying SharePoint components.

You will be able to install the components via the Visual Studio Gallery from within the Extension Manager. Or you can download them via the links below.


Creating a Silverlight web part in SharePoint 2010

Don’t forget to install the Silverlight SharePoint web parts and Visual Studio 2010 SharePoint Power Tools when you start building Silverlight web parts. Go to for the power tools consisting of the following:

  • Sandboxed-compatible Visual Web Part
    This item template enables you to use a visual designer to create SharePoint web parts that can be deployed in a sandboxed solution for SharePoint 2010.
  • Sandboxed Compilation
    This extension displays build errors when you use types or members in a SharePoint 2010 sandboxed project which are not allowed in the SharePoint sandbox environment.

After that, find the Silverlight SharePoint web parts at: It contains:

  • The Silverlight Web Part is designed to be very lightweight and as a result using very little or no custom code to create the Web Part. This makes it easy for developers to understand how to use and extend their code after adding the Silverlight Web Part.
  • The Silverlight Custom Web Part takes advantage of the Sandboxed Visual Web Part that was released by the Visual Studio team. This Web Part enables developers to extend the Web Part for advanced scenarios such as adding JavaScript/JQuery and other controls in addition to the Silverlight application.

Using the entity framework to see the contents of the SharePoint logging database

In this post, we will discuss how to use entity framework 4.0 to make it really easy to take a look at the contents of the SharePoint logging database. As an example, we’ll look at the performance counters stored in them. To get everything set up and running and to see what we’re going to accomplish, first read:

As you’ve learned from the aforementioned post, we’re going to use the PerformanceCounter view (which combines data from the tables PerformanceCounters_Partition0 to PerformanceCounters_Partition31, each table representing a different day with a total history of 32 days) in combination with the PerformanceCountersDefinitions table to inspect the performance counters. The PerformanceCountersDefinitions table doesn’t have a primary key which, in this case, makes it impossible for the Entity Framework to add it to an Entity Data Model.

Since the WSS logging database is intended for direct use (as opposed to the SharePoint config and content databases), we’ve taken the liberty to promote the Id column in the PerformanceCountersDefinitions table to a primary key. By default, saving this change won’t be supported by the SQL Server designer, so first you have to make a change:

Now, in VS 2010, create a new class library (name it WSS.Logging.Model, or something) and do the following:

  1. Add > New Item.
  2. Choose ADO.NET Entity Data Model.
  3. Click Add.
  4. Choose Generate from database.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Make a connection to the WSS logging database (for us, its name is WSS_Logging).
  7. Click Next.
  8. Select the PerformanceCountersDefinitions table and the PerformanceCounter view.
  9. Click Finish.
  10. Create a new client (for example, a Windows application).
  11. Add a project reference to the WSS.Logging.Model class library.
  12. Copy the <connectionStrings> section from the WSS.Logging.Model class library and add it to the config file of your client app.
  13. Import the WSS.Logging.Model namespace in the client app and add the following code to the Main() method:

using (WSS_LoggingEntities1 ctx = new WSS_LoggingEntities1())
  var counters = from p in ctx.PerformanceCounters
  join d in ctx.PerformanceCountersDefinitions on p.CounterId equals d.Id
  select new
grd.DataSource = counters;

SharePoint capacity planning

Early on, in every project, there comes a time when you need to think about the capacity you require and exact farm configuration you want. It’s the time when you need to think about the number of users that will use SharePoint, how they are going to use it, and how much they will use it. Normally for us, this process starts with the SharePoint capacity planning tool. Here are some links that we find useful during the capacity planning phase:

File Migrator for SharePoint

In our experience, doing a bulk upload of files located on a file server is hard to do without a 3rd party tool. Quest’s File Migrator looks like an interesting solution for this problem: