SharePoint Dragons

Nikander & Margriet on SharePoint

Monthly Archives: December 2011

When you have performance troubles, you need a PAL!

Is it just us or did we miss a great tool that aids in troubleshooting performance troubles? It’s easy enough defining and reading tons of performance counters, but analyzing them is the tricky part. That’s where the Performance Analysis of Logs tool comes in. Download it at Read more about it at: Apparently, it’s especially great for BizTalk, but we’re just using it for standard Windows performance counters.

ECB action depending on column value

You’ve probably been in a situation where you wanted to display a custom action based on a specific field value? If you’re in luck, you can keep things simple by creating a dedicated content type: Otherwise, you can go for an approach where you’re leveraging the client object model and jQuery: The latest solution being the best solution as we’re concerned.

Free eBook about Office 365

Another one for the free eBook collection:

Microsoft Office 365: Connect and Collaborate Virtually Anywhere, Anytime is all about cloud solutions for small businesses, focusing on the core software services (Microsoft Exchange Online, Microsoft SharePoint Online, Office Web Apps, and Microsoft Lync), and demonstrating ways you can create, manage, and lead teams effectively using the communications and collaborative online tools.

You’ll find helpful ideas and solutions in Office 365 if you

IntelliSense for CAML

Wow, we tried to do something similar for SharePoint features, which only partially succeeded. But this sounds like the real deal:

The CAML.NET IntelliSense extensions for Visual Studio 2010 is simply a must-have for SharePoint developers. It can help you tame that sometimes finicky, but ever-so-essential CAML language we all know and love.

You probably already know how to add the out-of-the-box SharePoint schemas to Visual Studio so you get IntelliSense when editing your CAML files.

This is a good first step, but CAML.NET Intellisense takes it even further by adding the following enhancements:

  • Extends the default schema files with detailed annotations imported directly from the SharePoint SDK documentation.
  • Adds a custom WPF IntelliSense Presenter to the Visual Studio environment for a greatly enhanced developer experience.
  • Automatically detects and downloads schema updates so you are always working with the most current information available.
  • Links directly to the online SDK documentation for the currently visible element, so you can “drill down” into the documentation with a single click.

Let’s face it – even with an up to date set of bookmarks, who wants to go searching all over the place for that missing tidbit that tells you just what that obscure attribute is for when you’re right in the middle of building the CAML for your spiffy new feature?

Whitepaper about hybrid env’s with Office 365

Hybrid SharePoint environments combine on-premises Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 with Office 365 — Microsoft SharePoint Online.

White paper about large scale SharePoint content databases

This white paper provides details about a test lab that was run at Microsoft to show large scale SharePoint Server 2010 content databases:

Free SharePoint E-books

Upgrading and migrating SharePoint 2010

Nice article to check if you’re going to do an upgrade or migration traject:

SharePoint 2010 PowerShell Command Builder

Hmm, a visual tool for building SharePoint command tools. We’re not convinced, but we’re giving it a test spin:

SharePoint Online

Nice starting point for developers beginning SharePoint Online: